Yucca Croquettes (croquetas de Yuca)

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 5-10 (depends on the size)
Cooking Time: 2--3 minutes

2 lb of yuca
1 small onion, chopped
½ green bell pepper, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, finely mince
2 sprigs of cilantro, leaves only & chopped
2 tablespoon of oil
1/2 chicken bullion
1 cup of water
1 cup of fine bread crumbs (such as Panko) or flour
A pinch of freshly ground pepper
1 box of raisins
½ pound of ground meat

TIP: You can give any shape you desire (oval, cilinder, balls etc.)

Peel the yuca, cut them in half and boil with 1 teaspoon of salt, until tender

In large skillet, heat oil and sauté onions, green pepper and garlic

Add the ground meat and sauté. Add the water and chicken bullion, pepper and stir

Once meat is cooked (20 minutes) and simmered, add the cilantro and stir. add the rasins and set aside

Rice the yuca or  pulse it in the food processor and mix it with the bread crumbs (how to make homemade bread crumbs)

Make a 1” ball, then flatten it like a disc or DVD.

Place a spoonful of meat in the center, fold and shape them into an oval shape

Deep fry until golden or bake in 350 degrees until they are golden
